Handbuildt Pumpkins: Using newspaper as a form
Sometimes newspaper is the best solution to building a pottery form. It’s relatively cheap, easily available, and you can create large forms without a ton of weight. The best part, it burns out in the kiln so you don’t have to remove it before firing.
1.5 - 2 pounds of clay
Rolling pin or slab roller
pottery rib
needle tool
water, vinegar, or slip for joining
Step 1: Use rolling pin or slab roller to create 1/4” thick slab, and compress slab using pottery rib. Cut a circle at least 12” across to create a 5” tall pumpkin.
Step 2: Crumple newspaper into a loose ball and place in middle of circle slab. Use needle tool to make 6 even spaced slices around newspaper ball. Do not cut through center of slab.
Step 3: Round off ends of each section to create a “petal.”
Step 4: Score and slip the tips of opposite petals. Curl up side edges of petal so they can join with it’s neighbor petal later. Pull up opposite petals and join by pinching at the top around newspaper ball.
Step 5: Repeat the process with the other petals until all are joined at the top of the newspaper ball. Pinch to join sides of petals as they come together over the form.
Step 6: Pinch and join sides of petals together to close any open spaces. Do not worry about not being perfectly round as this will add character to the pumpkin. Smooth out as needed.
Step 7: Use a tapered coil to add a stem by scoring and slipping to the top of the pumpkin. Cut out leaves from discarded slab to add as wanted.